The "experts" cannot figure out the appeal of Donald
Trump, much like an 8th century warrior would not figure out a hand
grenade. Trump is a creature of the
utter contempt, neglect, and arrogance of the elitist's class in Washington
D.C. It is the McCain's of the GOP who
blithely declare about 40 % of the Republican voters as "Whaco-birds." It is the decade's long disdain of the media
and Hollywood toward conservatives, libertarians, and anyone not a Social
Justice Warrior or new-age cultist worshipping an insensate goddess Gaia.
The elites have lived in a sheltered and artificial environment
for so long, they have no concept of natural events, of storms on the horizons
that will sweep them all away in an unanticipated deluge of final rejection of
their amoral, self-invented religions of political correctness and cowardice.
For political correctness used to be called cowardice, or
the inability to speak the truth to one another and eventually the inability to
even know the truth, about anything.
How far have we fallen?
We have one political party that cannot decide if a baby in the womb has
any right to live, to rip it apart and sell the parts, the Nazi's blush at your
That same party puts up a
worthless whore of a woman, mired in scandal and treason, leaving an ambassador
to his certain death and brave men who went to his rescue to their death. All the while defending this ruthless
hillbilly with ferocious rage, declaring all criticisms as a war-on-women, the
same people that have murdered 33 million girl babies before they had a chance
to escape the abortionist's vacuum.
At the same time they forced upon the nation a worthless
weakling of a man, using as an excuse, his divine right to rule because his
skin was not white, after all it was the time, right? Forcing programs upon a democracy that an
overwhelming majority did not want, and still do not want. We now have less than 3.0% economic growth, and
that is meekly accepted by a now entitlement-addicted population reaching over
50%. No matter how they chortle about
new jobs, almost all jobs added since 2007 have been taken by the foreign born,
and many of the higher paying jobs have been outsourced to India and points East.
In fact we have the lowest labor
participation rate since 1977, so all they say about the jobs and the economy
are lies, remember that when you hear some breathless news person talk about
how we added so many jobs last quarter.
In my industry I see whole companies where the largest percentage
of the skilled professionals are from India, they then take those software jobs
back home. More dishwasher jobs for the American
born. And nearly every large company
hires up to 33% contract workers so they no longer have wages as good as they
had even a decade ago, nor the same benefits, most get no vacations or sick
leave, developing in 15 years a two-class worker system in most large
corporations. Neither party does a damn thing to protect the America worker,
nothing, not a thing. In fact they
encourage it echoing the lies of CEO's that they simply need more H1B1 visa
workers. And the political whores in
congress rush to disrobe and slip into their beds.
And they wonder why Trump is killing it out there? Not because most of us like Trump, we
recognize he is a carnival barker, a shill, a marketer. You have no clue how much we hate
your elitist-guts! You have destroyed
the greatest country of all time, the greatest economic system of all time, and
the best and most moral people of all time.
Trump is our hand grenade, our
bulldozer, raze it all, maybe we still have a chance to rebuild, maybe not, but
the hell this goes on any longer.
progressives wanted to just burn down one room of the house, but sow the wind,
now reap the whirlwind. Your goddamn
house is on fire and you don't even recognize what is happening.
Either we turn this around or in ten years or you will not have
to worry about transgender bathrooms and all the worthless crap that you focus
on, you will just wonder how to rescue yourselves from the Islamist police that
will whip your women and homosexuals in the streets, muttering all the while under
your breath about those that cling to their guns and Bibles, and who will
rescue you now?
Those phantom enemies will be gone, removed by the mercy of God
to not be on the Hell on earth you have created. Enjoy sticking your asses in the air and worshiping
the top of the heap false god of all time, he will sweep away your petty gods
of Gaia, and political correctness, and the Living God will be nowhere to be
found, as you ate His people with a side of Fave beans and a glass of Chianti.
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